Most of the album was recorded at the G'Bah studios (Dean's Place).. We used a DAW (digital audio workstation) application called Ardour which cost about $30, and is up there with the BIG daws that cost thousands of $$. We borrowed a small desk from Derek. Cavo supplied the mics, and we used a windows 10 HP PC. No extra hardware was used - straight into desk, away we went and started to put tracks down..

All guitars were recorded in this room., with these rigs.
Fender Stratocaster 50th Anniversary
ES 339 Gibson custom shop
Fender Stratocaster 1969
Marshall Class 5- 5W amp
Marshall Bluesbreaker JTM 45
Zoom g9 2tt dual Valve Pedal board.
Deja-vu vibe pedal
The album is not completed yet, but is close. It already sound good, either as a good demo or a sharable product. Our main goal is to use this recording to hopefully inspire a good producer/engineer to want to take it on, and properly mix and master it.
“The one big misconception people have, is to make a good record, you must spend a lot of money on a home studio"
What great day this was much appreciation thankyou andrea and rabbit