Reviews and Accomplishments
"Dave Cavanagh Is one of those extremely rare individuals that lives and breathes music from the soul. I have not encountered such a musical talent since working with McCartney and Stevie Wonder at Air Studios Montserrat. Each day they would wake up with a new tune in their head and Dave Cavanagh is equally prolific. Combining his talents with Dean Macaw's modern arrangements and guitars makes for a very listenable album that hooks you and lifts you up. It's been a great joy working with them through the mixing process and I hope you get a chance to feel this crazy little dream soon."
Michael Paul Stavrou
Author of Mixing with Your Mind and Sound Balance Engineer at Studio Stav

At The Barrier UK online Magazine: 4 reviews and Top 2020 releases.
Fireworks Print Magazine: Appeared in 2 issues:
- Issue 91 Jul - Sep 2020 (album review and single on accompanying CD) - Issue 93 Jan - Mar 2021 - Interview with Band.
Album review in the World Of Metal Online Magazine Mag: https://worldofmetalmag.com/wom-reviews-tokyo-motor-fist-bloody-heels-bad-whispers-mark-spiro-tygers-of-pan-tang-faceless-mirror-enuff-znuff-jeremy-harry-harris/
Album Review in Strutter magazine - Holland http://strutter.mysite.com/HOTNEWREVIEWS2020AUGUSTc.html
Artist of the Month at Punktured Media Website and Facebook..
Received radio and internet airplay throughout UK, Europe, and Australia.
Review By Michael Stavrou Author of 'Mixing with Your Mind', and worked as a sound engineer under George Martin at Air Studio Montserrat https://facelessmirror.wixsite.com/facelessmirror/reviews